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Children Scare Me...

but they inspire me to be better, louder, gentler, patienter, helpfuler... Many ers. Harry Potter says "er" instead "um". *SPOILER ALERT* Once, in the fourth book, he had to guess the answer to some riddle in order to get to the Triwizard Cup. There were three parts to the question, and the last one was a sound you say when you don't know what to say. Something like that. Of course, being the extraordinary wizard he is, his answer is correct, and the sphinx doesn't tear him to pieces. I guess the Harry Potter series would be pretty bland without Harry Potter, so J.K. Rowling didn't kill him. What a shame. Maybe some fanfiction will portray his death. *IT'S OKAY YOU CAN LOOK NOW, DEAR CHILD. THE SPOILER IS OVER*

So today, I walked all the way to the library after school. It's... let me check... I just opened a new tab and BOOM there's a picture of a shark staring at me. WHAT THE HECK, TAB FOR A CAUSE I THOUGHT YOUR HOMEPAGE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CALM AND SOOTHING. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE NICE SCHOOLS OF FISH YOU HAD A FEW DAYS AGO? OR THOSE MAGNIFICENT AUTUMN LEAVES? THOSE WERE PRETTY. WHY A SHARRKKKKK

Even though humans are terrible at keeping the world a safe place for wild animals and kill sharks constantly (I think around 12,000 compared to like 100 humans dead from shark bites every year), sharks are still scary. Scary sharks. Gah. I should be learning about the ocean and how humans trash it so much, and you know, do something about it... but every time a look at an article there's a picture of some sea or ocean or bay or gulf or any other body of water. Probably taken with the blurry, slightly blue sun in full view. Maybe a turtle will make an appearance. Who knows? The ocean holds many mysteries.

What was I doing? Oh yeah... school to library.

Wait, before I do that, let me show you this picture from a Tab for a Cause homepage (I "exxed" out of the shark one and opened another one):

It has the water symbol so it relates to the Water charity. But what is it? I'm so confused.

The high school's 14 minutes away from the library.

So after my oh-so-dangerous walk across a street I had frozen in time, I walked a bit more and found myself in the children's section of the library: my first volunteer home. The person who usually is in charge of the volunteers, Jonah, was absent that day, and a friendly librarian asked if I would be interested in reading to children. She had me read out loud to her (I chose a Dr. Seuss book, because his birthday is this week) and told me that usually, only kids who are 1 or 2 will come. So I switched to some really easy picture books. It was an interesting experience. This one kid kept on asking "where's the boo boo?" because some stuffed animals got "hurt" in one of the books. Ahh, so cute.

Then, they switched to crafting. Apparently, they were supposed to make little blankets for their stuffed animals, and they would all spend the night at the library (or something like that. I didn't get the details). Oh, actually, just the stuffed animals would sleep over, because they had to label them with a little sticker. Anyway, the blankets were just large pieces of felt, on which they could glue beads, buttons, ribbon, wire, or faux fur on. I was only there for half an hour (my shift is a full hour, but the activities started later). I wanted to help them more :(

*side note* Sorry if I seem like I'm bragging. I'm only writing this so I can remember it in the future, when my brain is all shriveled up like a raisin.

After that, Daddy and I went to Sichuan Gourmet to pick up some catering, and then we went back to the high school (ugh) so he could vote. But guess what? He wasn't registered as a resident of Sharon. Heh. One less vote for Trump.

That's my spiel of the day.

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