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Well, I'm pretty embarassed. Why am I writing a blog post about this? Surely I have better things to do than drag screen shots onto this page and laugh at them.

Mei Mei's playing her violin now, and it seems that this song is pretty new because 1) I don't recognize it, 2) she's playing some parts a whole lot slower as if she isn't used to the notes yet, 3) those slower parts are played softly as if she isn't used to the notes yet, and 4) it's very squeaky. I should play the piano soon but for now, I'll leave her and her squeaky violin in peace (the piano tends to be loud).

Anyway, back to the thing I was going to write about but was too embarassed to name in the beginning of the post or else people scrolling through the home page will see it and judge.

Plants vs Zombies!


Survival: Endless!

Long ago, I discovered that the game had some bugs in it, and those bugs allowed me to leave the game right after the bag of coins appeared on the screen. I wouldn't click on that bag, no no. Instead, I would go back to the main menu, thus saving the game, and go back to that "unfinished" survival game. Then, I could keep on collecting money without spending so much time killing zombies. I think I make it sound more complicated than it is. Oh well.

Screenshots I found amusing:

I... shall... not... open... eyes...

I don't know what to say about this screenshot. Perhaps "I have found my inner peace"? #kungfupanda

What's that I see? Several hundred zombies staring at me? Bring it on, you piles of rotting flesh.

I got until 21 flags, then died a gruseome zombie death.

So many exclamation points. Although, I think my death was more humiliating than gruesome. I mean, look at how many zombies are in those bottom two lanes, and then look at the pool area. So sad

And then, I discovered that if you don't do anything in the zen garden for a while, the top shelf goes away! Amazing! Here's the before picture of a garden:

You can see the shelf thingamajiggy

And... the after:


Other places without that shelf:



Okay, I have no more screenshots, and it seems like Mei Mei is done playing the violin, so I'm gonna go play that piano now. In a room full of plants. To ensure that my brain will not be devoured by dancing zombies who wear pink shirts.

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