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On Paper, then Screens

I did around four hours of math today because I was feeling pretty mathy and now my desk has this... untouchable aura around it. Oh wow. I just noticed that it (with the sticky notes on the wall) looks like a Christmas tree. The clock could be the star. The star. The sun that lights up my dreary days and whisks away any feelings of procrastination, happiness, and youth. Juuust kidding :] I WILL BE YOUNG FOREVER. Or at least my high school yearbook picture will be. Gah. My sophomore picture was terrible. Cringe worthy. I want to rip up that image in like ten pieces and toss it in the nearest landfill. And I write ten because a billion is too much for my tired hand, which clutched a sparkly pink pencil for four hours. Sparkly pink. How un-mathlike. I think a dull green would have been much better.

After studying for math, I watched some CGI 3d animation shorts, and all the John Lewis Christmas adverts, both of which are amazing. I'll put my favorite one from each category here:

CGI animation:


John Lewis:

I'll put another one too :D

We're going to watch Spirited Away now, to relieve some stress and have an excuse to drink more hot chocolate. Adios, amigos.

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